Siurana PDO carries out a lot of activities in the region to promote and disseminate the culture of olive oil among different parts of the public, highlighting the added value of quality, origin, tradition and health of our oils and introducing our entities and producers, the soul of the PDO.

Oil fairs are a regular feature of the cultural calendar in Reus ,Tarragona and several other municipalities where Siurana PDO is present.Various activities: popular lunches, oil tasting, snacks, live music, activities for children, workshops of various kinds, oil tasting with live commentary, draws and raffles, promotions, contests, showcooking... and a lot of extra virgin olive oil.

We made our way into the classroom so that school children can get to know the properties of olive oil and start to experiment with it, helping to make them fans of the territory’s oil from a young age..The activity is imparted using material specifically created for the same.

Travelling campaign “POD territory, quality territory”
The objective of this campaign is to reinforce the idea that products protected by DO-PDO/IGP classifications are the highest exponent of the certified quality and origin of some excellent products: the overlapping of the Siurana PDO territory with those of wine DO areas gives our region one of the highest concentrations of quality products in Catalonia.Siurana PDO takes part in wine fairs and/or other events offering “DO sample bites”, which are tapas created with the inspiration of each zone/product (DOQ Priorat, DO Montsant, DO Tarragona, DO Conca de Barberà, DO Penedès, DO Catalunya, DOP for Almonds from Reus, IGP for Prades potatoes, IGP for calçots from Valls, IGP for chicken from the Pendés, IGP for traditional Catalonian country bread), with olive oil being the connecting thread between all the different taste sensations.

Oil tasting for professionals and future professionals: Not all oils are equal!
The PDO Works with various institutes, faculties and cooking and catering schools in Catalonia, as well as oenology faculties and schools. We offer practical tasting workshops and masterclasses on oil to university students studying diet and nutrition, as well as to future professionals working in tourism, gastronomy and healthcare.
Oil and you! The surprises of olive oil culture
Audio-visual clips to contribute to the culture of oil: olive oil, an essential ingredient in our cuisine and one that can surprise. >>See Clips
Del menú degustació de cuina moderna de 2014 fins a la cuina creativa de 2019 han passat moltes coses, i bones, al restaurant Disfrutar de Barcelona
La cultura de l’oli d’oliva verge extra entra amb força als centres educatius a través de la formació dissenyada per la DOP Siurana, tres anys després […]